Gut Directed Hypnotherapy for IBS

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Gut-directed hypnotherapy is a specialised form of hypnosis, which targets the gut-brain axis, to reduce symptoms and improve gut health.

    The gut-brain axis is the two-way communication system between the digestive system and the brain. It's thought that disruption in these pathways can contribute to symptoms of IBS, and other functional gut issues.

    Hypnotherapy uses the therapeutic powers of guided relaxation and positive suggestions to influence the subconscious mind and promote positive changes in gut function.

  • Yes, gut-directed hypnotherapy is supported by a growing sum of scientific research. Several well controlled studies, have demonstrated an improvement in IBS symptoms and overall wellbeing.

    Some studies have shown it is as effective as the gold standard dietary approach - 'the low FODMAPs' diet. This means you could reduce your symptoms, without having to restrict what you eat!

  • Yes! Hypnotherapy is a recommended treatment for IBS!

    In 2008, the NICE Clinical Guidelines, which UK doctors follow, were updated, suggesting that psychological therapies such as CBT and hypnotherapy are effective treatments for IBS.

    It should be considered for anyone that hasn't benefitted from traditional dietary guidance or the low FODMAPs diet.

  • Although, research is looking promising, hypnotherapy isn't a quick fix or magic. It requires commitment, motivation, a positive attitude, and ultimately the belief it will work for you!

  • When conducted by a qualified and competent hypnotherapist, gut-directed hypnotherapy is completely safe!

    It's non-invasive therapy that does not involve the use of medication. You'll remain fully conscious and aware through the session, and safety is prioritised throughout.

  • The number of sessions needed can vary depending on several factors, such as the severity of symptoms and responsiveness to hypnotherapy.

    Usually, a course of gut-directed hypnotherapy will involve multiple sessions spaced out over several weeks, and typically people achieve significant improvements in their symptoms after just 6-8 sessions!

  • As well as IBS, there is evidence gut-directed hypnotherapy can be used to manage other GI conditions involving the gut-brain connection such as functional dyspepsia, and other functional gastrointestinal disorders.

    It can also be beneficial for people seeking to improve their overall gut health, and sometimes it can be helpful to support people with other GI conditions, where stress is exacerbating their symptoms (although we have less evidence-base in these research areas currently).

  • During a gut-directed hypnotherapy session, I will guide you into a very relaxed, but focused state. Once you're in a hypnotic state, I will provide positive suggestions of control and normalisation of gut function, aimed at addressing your specific gastrointestinal symptoms and circumstances.