How I can help

IBS and Gut Health Support

Want to be free from worrying about your gut?

This is my three-stage programme is for anyone with IBS or any other functional gut symptoms e.g reflux, bloating, abdominal pains, wind, indigestion, heartburn etc.

Stage 1:

Holistic Assessment

This holistic assessment and education session is designed to empower you with the knowledge to tackle your symptoms.

Who is this for?

This is for anyone with IBS, functional gut issues, or if you have had other causes for your symptoms ruled out by a GP or Gastroenterologist.

Find out more about IBS here.

The 90 minute consultation, covers traditional ‘first line’ IBS advice and extra tools targeting the gut-brain axis::

Diet - evidence-based dietary advice, based on your own unique symptoms

Lifestyle - personalised advice covering your sleep, exercise and eating patterns

Wellbeing - teaching you tools such as meditation, breathwork and tension release techniques to reduce any mind and body stress

Price: £80

Stage 2:


This is the gold standard dietary treatment for IBS, with 75% of people finding an improvement in symptoms; it is an elimination diet which helps you to identify your own unique symptom triggers.

Who is this for? 

This is for anyone who has tried the first line dietary and lifestyle IBS advice, and had no symptom improvements. It is not suitable if you have a very low body weight, or history of disordered eating, due to its restrictive nature.

Find out more about how the low FODMAP diet works here.

My 12-week package covers the following:

Phase 1: Eliminations

1 x 90 minute consultation explaining how the low FODMAP diet works, what foods you can eat whilst following the diet, and helpful resources, including a free information booklet and shopping list. I’ll also assess your dietary intake, to help you adapt your meals to make sure they are low FODMAP, and ensure you’re meeting your nutritional needs!

Phase 2 & 3: Reintroductions (Food Challenges & Personalisation)

1x 60 minute consultation explaining how to identify your own unique symptom triggers and reintroduce foods back into your diet; this also includes a free information booklet.

Price: £160

(Individual sessions are charged at £75 per hour)

Stage 3:

Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy & Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Research shows mind-body therapies like Gut-Directed Therapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can improve IBS symptoms by 70-80%, which is maintained in the long term. My approach combines Gut-Directed hypnotherapy, CBT and mindfulness techniques to help alleviate any mind and body stress, and targets the gut-brain axis, to ease your symptoms. I also teach you the principles behind these therapies so you feel empowered to self-manage in future.

 Who is this for?

This is for anyone who has tried all the traditional dietary and lifestyle advice already, and feels mind or body stress, could be making your symptoms worse.

Find out more about the benefits of CBT and Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy here


6-week package*

Initial 90-minute assessment

5 x 1 hour consultation

5 x free hypnotherapy or meditation recording sent after each session

Price: £450

(Individual hypnotherapy sessions thereafter, are £75 per hour)

*Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy is usually effective within 6-8 sessions.

Curious about Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy for IBS?

Click here, to read through the frequently asked questions…

Not sure what you need?

You’re welcome to book in for a FREE 20 minute call to discuss what’s best for you…

Other Support

Nutrition Support - As a Specialist Gastroenterology Dietitian, I can support with other complex gastrointestinal disorders such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticular disease, coeliac disease, liver disease, bile acid malabsorption and pancreatic disease. I also have experience working with a wide range of other health conditions so please reach out if you feel I may be able to help you.

Workshops and Courses

I also co-host workshops and courses such as ‘Mind-Body Tools for Gut Health & Vitality’ and ‘Mindful Eating’. Check out my blog and Instagram page for updates.

I can also offer private sessions for groups of friends or corporate events, and these topics can be tailored to your requirements.