“Three words to describe how Tasha’s sessions made me feel - calmer, stronger and optimistic.

I was diagnosed with bile acid malabsorption in 2016, caused by radiotherapy. Over the years it’s progressively gotten worse, I’ve been on medication for the last 3 years. While it helps with the diarrhoea I still struggle with cramping and wind every day which can drag me down. So when Tasha told me about gut directed hypnotherapy I was very keen to try this, I went in with an open mind and it really helped me.  

It’s helped my behaviour towards going out, my anxieties are less and I'm able to  relax and cope better now.  I face the day with positive emotions. It's given me my confidence back and changed the way I view things.

Tasha has been very supportive and has tailored sessions to help me cope with my own personal situations and depending on what my day involves I will pick a session that’s going to help me through the day.

 I like to start my day off with one of Tasha’s recorded sessions. I always feel relaxed and ready to face the day.  The deep breathing and awareness of the river analogy of slowing down/easing my bowel related symptoms, helps me throughout the day. It’s a peaceful and tranquil way to start my day.

My partner has said he has noticed the change in me, he feels I’ve been less panicky and appear to be more in control of my gut symptoms and my life in general, and I’m definitely sleeping much better. I’ve definitely turned a corner in my life with Tasha’s help”

- Viv


“Tasha’s sessions have given me the tools I need to manage my gut issues, for which I am super grateful. Tasha is incredibly empathetic and kind and tailored the sessions to my needs. It felt like a huge relief to be able to share my anxieties and experiences with someone so caring and understanding, and to come up with strategies to help me cope in the future”

- Hannah

“ CBT Hypnotherapy with Tasha helped me in such a profound, lasting ways. She has such a kind, compassionate and non-judgmental nature, I immediately felt comfortable and relaxed when working with her and found it really easy to open up and be honest about things I was struggling with. She is so present, attentive and caring during the sessions and it felt like we worked at a really natural, intuitive pace that helped me to find a lasting sense of freedom from my anxieties. “

- Jade

“I have chronic physical pain caused by a rare condition, and emotional challenges caused by complex PTSD. Tasha has holistically and intuitively provided excellent healing through hypnotherapy and reiki for both of these problems. She researched and fully understood my condition in a way no other health care professional has done. This has helped me find the root of my problems and she has provided me with coping mechanisms tailored to my specific needs to overcome them. All of this was done with sensitivity and kindness.

I am allergic to many medications, and was struggling to cope before, but the pragmatic solutions and tools Tasha has empowered me with don’t have any side effects. I am truly grateful that Tasha was recommended to me”

- Margaret