How I can help

Mindful eating is about developing more loving awareness around your eating behaviour and body. Through a combination of meditation techniques, and hunger awareness exercises, I will guide you through this 8 week programme - the goal is compassionate acceptance of your body, improved health, wellbeing and food freedom!

Who is this for?

This is for anyone wanting to heal their relationship with food, and learn to trust their body again.

Who is this not for?

Anyone with a history of disordered eating, or looking to use this as a way to lose weight.

8-week programme

Initial 90-minute consultation

7 x hour consultations

8 x free hypnotherapy or meditation recordings sent after each session

Price: £480

(Individual sessions thereafter, are £60 per hour)

Not sure whether this is for you?

Book in for a free 20 minute call to discuss what’s best for you…

Mindful Eating Programme

Want to improve your relationship with food and your body?

Other Support

Nutrition Support - As a Specialist Gastroenterology Dietitian, I can support with other complex gastrointestinal disorders such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticular disease, coeliac disease, liver disease, bile acid malabsorption and pancreatic disease. I also have experience working with a wide range of other health conditions so please reach out if you feel I may be able to help you.

CBT Hypnotherapy - As a CBT Hypnotherapist, I can also support you with any anxiety related issues or phobias. CBT is the gold standard therapy for anxiety, and combined with mindfulness and hypnotherapy, my clients (and me myself!) have experienced life-changing results - I would love to help you, so please get in touch.

Reiki & Massage - I’m a firm believer in the power of complementary therapies. I trained in Reiki and Ayurveda Yoga Massage when I burnt out from working in the NHS, and discovered that as well as helping me recover, they also helped my IBS symptoms. If you’re interested in trying these alongside my support, please get in touch.

Workshops and Courses

I also co-host workshops and courses such as ‘Mind-Body Tools for Gut Health & Vitality’ and ‘Mindful Eating’. Check out my blog and Instagram page for updates.

I can also offer private sessions for groups of friends or corporate events, and these topics can be tailored to your requirements.